Tooth implantation is a complex yet effective process. The success of a tooth implant surgery is based on the surgeon as well as the health of the patient. Before opting for a tooth implant, it is advisable to understand the entire process in details. This can help you differentiate between the normal changes which are expected after the surgery and the various complications which arise due to some fault. Dental implants or more popularly known as tooth implant is a surgical component which can be interfaced with the jaw bone to support any type of dental prosthesis such as denture, bridge or crown among several others. The technique of dental implants is based on the process of osseo integration. In this process, materials such as titanium form a bond with the bone. The success or the failure of a dental implant largely depends on the health condition of the individual who is receiving the treatment along with the health of the mouth tissues. Why do you need dental implant...